Sunday, August 19, 2007

Dassau, Germany

I really wish I could have been able to stay longer in Berlin; however; I needed to move on with my trip. My next stop was Dassau, a small town in Germany where my great
grandfather was born. I absolutely fell in love with this town and if hostels (or other affordable places to sleep) were available, I would have stayed the night there. There were beautiful parks with flowers and trees everywhere. I rented a bike for a few hours and rode it through the cobble stone streets and through the parks and I could smell the aroma from the flowers as if it was still spring.

The locals in Dassau were so friendly and very helpful even though most did not speak English. This was great because it forced me to use my German phrase book more often and I was able to experience a little more of the German culture versus a large German city such as Frankfort and Berlin where most spoke English.

I tried to go to the archive office to see if there was any information about my great grandfather but unfortunately it was not the right office. I would have needed to go to
a different office outside the town and needed more time to find any information. Since I was unable to find a place to stay I was out of luck.

With the remaining time I had, I decided to go to their Natural and Prehistoric Museum and saw some really cool displays of preserved historic wildlife. They even had rooms with beautiful crystals and gems where I saw some of the most beautiful stones and fossils I’ve ever seen. I could not resist buying some for souvenirs and gifts.

Someday I plan to return to this beautiful little town my great grandfather was born and spend at least a week there. Hopefully, I’ll know a little more German so I can actually talk more to the locals who live there.

My next visit will be….Amsterdam!!!

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